Welcome to Florida Aviation Network
Promoting Aviation Safety Through Extensive Education & Training Programs
In the Clear
Florida Aviation Network
The Florida Aviation Network is an "In the Clear" satellite broadcast system that promotes Aviation and Aviation Safety.

Programs are normally broadcast live & pre-recorded through an effort of the National Aviation Safety Foundation. Our anchor desk is in Orlando, Florida, and we carry aviation events from across the United States. Florida Aviation Network education and training are free to the public.
FAN Production Sponsors
The Florida Aviation Network has year-round sponsors that commit to our basic funding. These sponsors, however, are not able to provide enough funding for all our events. FAN is dependent on corporate and private donations. You can assist the NASF and FAN by making a contribution below.
The National Aviation Safety Foundation is registered as an IRS 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation. All donations are fully tax-deductible.
Become a Fan $25
FAN recognized on social media.
Join the Crew $50
FAN special listing in Newsletter,
Be a Member $100
FAN speccial Listing in Newsletter & lithograph
Supporter FAN $250
FAN special listing in Newsletter
Sponsor FAN $500
Logo Listing - FAN website
Gold Sponsor FAN $1000
FAN provided Video Recognition at a special event
Production Sponsor FAN $2000
FAN provided Year-Round Video & Broadcast Recognition.
Platinum Sponsor FAN $5000
FAN provides expanded Year-Round Video & Broadcast Recognition.